Mount Shasta Marketplace : Local Products, Art, Music

Marcus Maria Jung

Tree Sanctuary
My creative work is deeply influenced by trees, nature, the earth elements and the natural world that we live in and are surrounded by.  I work with different materials and elements, mostly of natural and organic origin.  In my creative process I like to choose different mediums like sculpture, photography and site-specific installation.  Nature has a way to guide my artistic exploration and to become alive in the present moment comes with ease and playfulness. I’m happy to share my experiences with nature through my eyes and my photographs with you.

Dancing Tree

Select any image to enter the artist's gallery to buy prints

Lake Siskiyou
Sculptor and Artist Marcus Maria Jung

Natural Wood Sculpture Workshops

Art Making in a co-creative Partnership with Nature

I create sculptures and site-specific installations that explore and rediscover the ancient and sacred relationship between the human spirit and the natural world. My artwork is inspired and sustained from the experience of beauty and truth, which I feel through intimate relating and while creating art and ritual with the natural world. An important element and often the initial stage in my creative process are conversations with trees and earth elements during excursions and adventures in nature.


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