Tara Joy Gardner
Mount Shasta Marketplace
I am an amateur photographer; in Mount Shasta that means that your camera is always ready to capture beauty in the moment. The unique skies and mountain tops in my photos are authentically the result of alpenglow. No retouches. The lavender sky is unbelievable to me yet I saw it. The orange to gold alpenglow is one moment to the next, truly magical.
Select any image to enter the artist's gallery to buy prints
Designing Beauty and Function
Organic Designs
I enjoy creating beauty and functionality in the form of websites and supporting community with functional design is my passion.
Additionally, the ocean, mountains, and forests have always inspired me to write poetry and create photographic images. I recall that one of my first websites featured underwater images of sea grass in various forms and colors as the background of every page.
I hope you enjoy my photos of Mount Shasta.